What I want to discuss is how hard it is to achieve something great when you're a female for example the gender pay gap is 9.4% per hour for full time employees in the UK so men seem to earn more than women overall and on some of the statistics on full time employees the gender gap is 0% because majority of women are working part-time in low paid jobs.

I don't ask why majority of women are working part-time in low paid jobs because alot of women are mothers or carers and are very nurturing creatures. My point is why is it hard for someone like me to progress in the working world when I'm not a mother and yet society assume that at my age I will have a child but why should having a child hold me back? why does my career opportunities just go at a standstill ?

Why isn't there a change in the social dynamic on child care or how families operate since we've evolved as a society? Why is just relied on for the men to be the bread winners in the households and why is it relied upon women to be the nuturers and carers?

I know it is not like that for everyone but I feel in my work place or even in the society that I'm living in is that the men have more opportunities for success than myself and for example when I can lift heavy items or beat men in arm wrestles it is frowned upon and I know some of you are thinking I must be a large, butch lady to be able to have this strength when infact I'm not ! I can just imagine you all imagining this image now of a chunky , tall , masculine woman with a moustache but I can assure you I'm nothing like this description.