The United States is drifting into madness. The sitting President, Donald Trump loses the election and yet refuses to concede defeat. His ego is such that he cannot accept he genuinely lost his chance for a second term. In his mind, he is the greatest US President, even greater than Abraham Lincoln.

He invents/concocts an alternate reality: the election was stolen from him. He uses social media to repeat this claim and encourages his supporters to protest. His party, devoid of any backbone, go along with his madness instead of encouraging him to concede with dignity. No significant figure has the courage to tell Trump that he is acting like an immature child and that he should grow up. His surrogates like Rudy Giuliani and his children continue to make the allegations.

The President even launches multiple legal challenges to the election result in various states. A month after the election, the President cannot bring himself to admit that he has been defeated. Being a total narcissist, he believes that he actually won and fraud has taken place to deny him victory. Despite recounts in numerous states, the President and his surrogates continue with their claims.

No evidence is ever produced, just wild allegations that are repeated on social media and on the President’s favourite news channel. How pathetic is that?

At some point, you have to question the sanity of a man who refuses to accept reality. Is he deluded or insane? Of course, his base believe that Trump has been robbed. They refuse to believe that Trump could have been rejected despite recounts and rejection of legal challenges.

World leaders have all congratulated former Vice President Joe Biden, and are privately breathing a sigh of relief. The Orange Oaf is on his way out.

While all this is going on, Covid 19 continues to ravage the nation. Over 250,000 have died. Fighting the virus is no longer a priority for the White House. Despite so many of Trump’s inner circle testing positive for the Coronavirus, Trump still holds rallies and his supporters do not wear masks. A perfect breeding ground for the pandemic.

If this happened in any other country, you would regard Trump’s actions as an attempted coup. You may also conclude that the United States is turning itself into a banana republic.