I have to begin with a confession: there is no 'us'. It's just me: a stay-at-home father in New Zealand.
I'm not famous for being among the first 19 employees at Apple. I've never worked at Google. Or Twitter. Or Facebook. And I was not in the room when someone had the idea for a killer App.
I've never had millions thrown at me by Angels. Or VCs. Or any amount by anybody.
And I don't throw fabulous office parties that appeal to, and appall the readers of Business Insider in equal measure. Well, not any more.
Worst of all, I have very limited technical knowledge. I'm picking up snippets as I go, but if there's one thing I do know, it's that I have a lot to learn.
Quite frankly, in tech terms, I'm a nobody, in the middle of nowhere, quietly toiling away trying to establish a platform that gets people sharing their opinions and original writing.
All this adds up to one, unavoidable conclusion - I'm not exactly the kind of guy who should be trying to create a hosting/sharing/discussion platform. Which is precisely why I am.
We all use these tools, they affect all of us, and they will play a huge role in how our kids will interact in the future. We should all have a hand in creating and shaping them, so they grow to reflect all of us, not a mere few of us.
Of course, I don't have the hard core tech skills to have done all this alone. I offer thanks and praise to Guo Qiao and Josh Purvis - coders, builders, advisors, sometime magicians and patient supporters. Without them, I might be trying to make videos for YouTube.
I also received a great deal of sage advice from many smart people who were generous with their time and willing to share their knowledge. Friends, ex-colleagues, tech experts, designers, savvy entrepreneurs and mentors - these people offered me the two things every person struggling to turn an idea into reality desperately needs: honesty and encouragement. I owe them more thanks than I can give.
If you'd like to let me know your thoughts, good or bad, I'd love to hear from you. I can be reached by email at: cameron at writehere dot com - I promise to write back.
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