Who am I? Maybe you passed by me today and you didn’t even realize it. Maybe I was the person at the coffee shop you cut off at the door on your way to get in line first. Maybe I was the driver in front of your car who you thought was going too slow but I was consumed in thought about the car I had just passed where the woman was chewing her nails in desperation. Maybe I was the parent who mouthed off in the PTO meeting. Maybe I was the woman in the grocery store parking lot closing her eyes for 10 minutes, but you didn’t realize I was up until 2 a.m. writing.
As my small Midwestern town sleeps, I am awake. It’s at this time of day, the hundreds of details of my day disappear and I open my heart and mind to all that is true, somewhere after The Eleventh Hour. Who am I? I am Tiffany and I am a writer.
My intention with Eleventh Hour Fiction is to creatively explore the moments that exist in the glimpses, thoughts, whims and notions of life. Thank you for joining me and taking the time to experience the moments that live somewhere after the Eleventh Hour.