Shetland Pony Invades British Pub for Drinks: Locals say a Shetland pony named Mocha snuck into a British pub through a back door and started drinking out of stray pint glasses. OK, wait, don’t tell me - the bartender asked him “so why the long face?” Most patrons didn’t seem to mind and of course the bar flies were really happy.
Authorities Say Nursing Home Patient Was Killed by Alligator: Authorities say a missing 90-year-old woman, whose body was found in a retention pond behind her South Carolina assisted living facility, was most likely the victim of an alligator. South Carolina officials say that’s why its so important that alligators never be included as part of assisted living recreational programs. Sadly, when police finally caught up with the gator, it claimed it was still hungry. Good grief, about the only thing I can think of that would be worse than this - would be having a dingo eat your baby.