Source: SOMETHINGS ARE "'FUN"' To TRY & I Kinda LIKED THIS ONE It Must Be The"'DOG In ME"'
We where playing POKER one night As We do once a month for the last 3 or 4 years now at Chuck house..The 2 nd. time I went over to play POKER chuck had a new Dog in Training the Dog had some BAD HABITS ,,,Like taking Food off the TABLE and if you tried to stop him he would SNAP at you or Bite You and if he was feeding from his bowl and you got to close he would bite anything that MOVED to close...Other Animals,,Kids,,And Even his OWNER So Chuck told the owner I can fix your dog Don't put the Dog Down!!! THIS was a three year old 120 lb. Watwhyler a good looking Dog with POWER behind him......He told the people it wikk Cost you a $150 dollars and you pay for FOOD whike he is in training he know a few comans so it should not take long...Chuck was telling me this as we set things up for POKER NIGHT Chuck said You know the RULES I have with Dogs in training////

1) Feed him with left hand only....Most people are Right hand this keeps the Dog from eating POSIN

2) Tell the Dog to Sit First while in training.....This is for incase the Dog gets away from you and he wont come to you when he's called he will sit so You can get control of him.......This comand works when the Dog is about to run into the STREET,,,He will Stop.... And SIT....This could save his life one day he will learn to WATCH for CARS......Make the dog sit before he crosses a Street each time....

3) Use a Squirt bottle of water on him when he's BAD....And repeat BAD DOG when you SPRAY HIM

THERE more Rules I will tell YOU LATER in the STORY

One day I put the shock Coller on I was playing with the Dog and I put him in a Head Lock ,,,Bit him on the EAR ,,Slip off the Shock Coller and said this is mine now and put it on The Dog looked Up at Me and TURNED his HEAD the look in his EYE seem tobe PUZZELED or LIKE "'WHY"'....Then Chuck said here is my Keys With the REWOTE If you are a real Man you will turn it on!!! when I cought the KEYS I hit the button it gave me a JOLT so I drop them the Dog pick up the keys and it gave me another JOLT I GRAB the Dog and said DROP IT he must of gotten a JOLT too he BARKED and took a step back WARDS.......We begame good FRIENDS after THAT he was always happy to SEE Me....