Ten women in two nights? Guess he really is the fastest man in the world! I mean after ten women, I’d have to say he’s not only a great sprinter, but also a pretty damn good marathoner. This could very well turn out to be another Olympic record for him. Of course, its important to remember that Bolt is a guy who usually finishes in under 10 seconds. In fact, some women claim that after he has sex, he bolts on them.
Anyway, so you’re telling me a wealthy, world famous athlete is a womanizer? Say it isn’t so! That said, bringing all those women up to his room makes good economic sense when you consider his room charges were based upon double occupancy. Besides, there’s no point in letting all those condoms Olympic officials pass out to the athletes go to waste. One thing’s for sure, after an escapade like this, he’s definitely got the endorsement deal for Trojans pretty much sewn-up.