Good grief, Canadian ham with pieces of rubber in it? This sounds like an act of international terrorism. I think we can safely assume that if Donald Trump’s elected President, this will mean war with Canada! In fact, at a recent rally, Trump told angry followers he wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Hillary “RodHAM” Clinton wasn't somehow involved.
On the other hand, others are wondering if this could have simply been a secret product test of a new “ham-flavored gum” which was accidentally released to the public. I mean think about it, why would a boneless ham need rubber in it anyway? And the recall is having reverberations throughout the industry as Walmart just announced they will be recalling all their rubber ducks, just as a precaution.
The irony is that when you consider all the crap they put into processed meats, like growth hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals - the rubber may very well have been the healthiest part. My advice is go ahead and eat the ham - hell, it might put a little bounce in your step!
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, some legislators are discussing the feasibility of sending Justin Bieber back to Canada along with the recalled ham. And a spokesperson for Fletcher’s is trying to calm investor concerns about the recall’s impact on their bottom line by pointing out that BF Goodrich has already offered to buy all the returned packaged hams which they say can be used in nearly all of their products.