So here we are. In this place in this space
Face to Face.
Oh don’t groan at poetry, this little bit of art isn’t all rhymes
So with that said, sit back, don’t relax
Because I’m going to take all the minds in my current company
On a, hopefully, never forgetting journey that you must close your eyes to see.
NOW!! Close your eyes… So you must close your eyes for this journey to begin
Oh, don’t worry it will be for a very brief moment, I’ll do it as well.
With all of our eyes close… ah ah no peeking, with eyes close I will say the magic words “Dreams do come true” … Open your eyes. Welcome to this world where dreams come true. But this is not our destination, weren’t you paying attention.
This is just the start of the never forgetting journey. We must work to make our dreams work. Here’s the best part though, in this world amazing things happen.
Things that you thought didn’t even exist but now do. So at this point in time your imagination is your most powerful device power by your boundless mind (or minds in some cases). Use your device to make your dreams come true. How you say? I am glad you didn’t ask, it speeds up the art ya know, yes I am impatient. Your device, that’s powered by ya mind, will put you on a path to reach your dream. Some may have a clear path.
If you don’t see your path, then you must blaze your path. NOTHING CAN STOP YOU!! Unless that is, you believe it can. So take every challenge head on or take it on using your head turn on
Face to face
So here we are. In this place in this space.