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Okay so I am going to have to eat my words again. The news according to the Yahoo movies website is that Marvel Studios will make a trade with 20th Century Fox studios. Fox will trade the rights to the Fantastic Four franchise to Marvel who will give Fox Studios the rights to the X Men Franchise. Fox will be producing a television series based on the X Men. Marvel Studios will be making another Fantastic Four movie. Hopefully Marvel will make the next Fantastic Four movie based on the original characters of the cartoon instead of the updated version which was did not go well in the box office this past year due to the problems on the set during the movie. I just hope that Marvel stars that nasty villain Mole Man instead of Silver Surfer or Doctor Doom this time around. I just hope The Thing is dressed decently this time around either wearing shorts or long pants instead of looking nearly naked like in the recent Fantastic Four movie. Fox is making the right move by giving the Fantastic Four franchise to Marvel who knows how to make good movie of their super heroes. Okay so the super hero movies that Marvel has put out cannot touch the cape of the late Chris Reeve version of Superman where he flew away from Earth with a smile on his face waving goodbye to the audience in the four films he starred in. Oh by the way Fox Studios if the new series has Storm as one of the X Men characters she would nice wearing a trikini like the cartoon version on the Amazing Spider Man and His Friends cartoons that played on NBC during the 1980s. Oh by the way could you imagine Word Girl getting a new mentor like Power Girl or her buddy Atlee Terra the third version of that character in a fan fiction or cartoon series? I can also dream that the Houston Astros and Texas Rangers will win a World Series before I go to my Maker.