Source: Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash
Not having an artistic bone in my body myself, I was no competition for quite a number of the very artistically creative other staff who seemed to effortlessly be able to magic beautiful scenes and images from what appeared to me a handful of bits and pieces. Fortunately, being artistic wasn't a prerequisite for the job so I was able to use my other skills to get things done.
I have since moved on from that job, but am now finding it soothing to engage in colouring in, from time to time, on a personal level.
Not for me those very advanced level, narrowly tight patterned colouring books or pages if I can help it. Rather, children's colouring books, for instance, with very large pictures and plenty of feedom of space to colour as I see fit - almost without boundaries - in any way and with whatever colours I choose each time, seem to be what I enjoy best.
Funnily enough, though outside the colouring realm I very much admire colour-co-ordination, when colouring in myself, I enjoy using colours at random, whichever ones I fancy at that point in time. I also don't necessarily stick to colours that would normally be associated with particular items such as blue skies and green grass.
I can see why colouring in can seem therapeutic to some - an act of of mindfulness. To me it's a 'mindless' activity which I don't need to complicate if I don't want to by thinking too hard about what I am doing. It doesn't matter if I colour the apple pink and someone's hair purple; I can just lose myself in my own world and do as I please, at least for a while.
At times, because I'm not sticking to a 'script' in terms of colours, perfect strokes of the pens or pencils used, I sometimes feel like I'm a real creative arrtist, part sketching and almost painting - without the mess - whatever picture I have in focus at the time.
I am by no means necessarily good at colouring in. I'm sure if there was a competition I still wouldn't rate highly, artistically; but that's the beauty of it, it doesn't matter and I don't care if it does.