Be my music,
the melody I long to hear.
You're the instrument I want to play,
the dance I need to prance,
my chance
to find the true beat to my drum...
and YUM!

Without your love I know not where I'd be,
certainly unfree
in a cage dreaming of being
engulfed in your arms,
admiring your charms,
and drenched in all the goodness that is you.

But alas, there's nothing I can do
to instigate your return.
My stomach churns.
I worry aout your fate;
wondering if it's too late.
And the grate,
shaving the last of our affection;
Once perfection,
it dwindles toward oblivion without chance of resurrection.

The end of an era, a wondrous time,
no longer yours,
never really mine...

I still feel sublime,
knowing what was once shared,
Two hearts bound

Now, time to grow apart.
board the cart
and be grateful for that long lost start.