Source: Wikimedia Commons
Gee, hard to believe that a company that would add a material used to make “yoga mats” into their bread flour, would misrepresent what’s in their tuna ingredients. Now, if I’m understanding this correctly, while it’s possible a Subway tuna sandwich might contain a minuscule amount of albacore, the rest is essentially what is commonly referred to as - “cat food.” And, while this scam might have fooled some, I seriously doubt it would’ve gotten past Grump Cat (RIP).
Anyway - now we’ve learned what they’ve been passing off as “real tuna” all this time, was actually just chicken, pork, or beef parts? Wow, I have to say I’m really shocked! Not because I didn’t already know Subway was run by crooks, but because those ingredients could at least be considered “actual food,” which is a helluva lot better than I what thought was in there. Hell, I figured their tuna was just sawdust, with a little mayo mixed in for consistency and flavor.
What I don’t get is, why try and pull off this scam in the first place? I mean, how expensive can it be for them to just head over to Walmart or Costco, and pick up a case or two of some cheap canned tuna? Yet, the greedy Subway bosses decide “ah, let’s go with cat food.” Oh, well! Hey, I got an idea, wonder if Subway might be able to distract everyone from this latest PR nightmare - by rehiring Jared? After all, that kind of maneuver always seemed to work pretty well for Trump.
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