UK Riots Solution: Islam? Totalitarian Government? Christ's love?

Protests first broke out late July 2024, after a misinformation campaign caused outrage over a stabbing attack that left three children dead in Southport, northern England. Several otther UK towns and cities have been facing anti-immigration riots since. (1)

What is the solution to the underlying causes of those riots? While violence needs to be condemned, a choice must be made sooner or later between three options: Islam, a totalitarian government or Christ's love.

What follows is a critique of the religion of Islam only. Many cultural Muslims in the UK are not practicing the details of their religion. They are just as shocked as numerous other decent citizens who learn about the following facts backed up by reliable Muslim sources:

Islam’s hypocricy has been on display in exchanges between Muhammad Hijab, a Sunni Muslim with currently 1.2 million followers on Youtube and Andrew Tate, media influencer who announced his conversion to Islam in 2022. The views of the latter can be summarised (2) as:

"He has anti-imigration political opinions because Muslim countries are not just taking anyone in either. Why should Western countries not have strict border controls? He understands how some native English feel like being in a similar situation as the Palestinians in Gaza."

Despite Andrew Tate, suffering from a narcist personality disorder, like his dad, he manages to have a more logical view on these issues. Nevertheless, he is condemned by Muhammad Hijab. Could this be the case because Tate, known for promoting a hyper-macho view of masculinity, still doesn't yet understand other main issues in Islam properly? It teaches:

“. . . those with him (Muahmmad) are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves . . . (Surah l-fatḥ, The Victory, 48:29)

Why are Muslims accusing Jews of migrating to Palestine and then taking over when they were more numerous, about 100 years ago? (3) Don’t they do exactly the same in Western Nations today by following the strategy of their prophet Muhammad?

Early Quran verses talked about kindness and doing good when he was weak and had only a few followers. They were later replaced by the Medinan Surahs (4) about Jihad and cruelty, when Islam grew more numerous. This shows Islam hypocritically teaches what is bad is good and the other way round, when it helps the spread of its own unique “religion” that is also a political and military system.

“Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture (Jews, Christians) and the polytheists (Hindus, etc) will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.” (Surah Al-Bayyinah, The Clear Proof, 98:6)

Therefore, the Islamically influenced thinking is: Christians are the worst creatures. They should be treated like the UK government treats the British at times. An example of two tier policing is when police was silent in the Muslim grooming gang scandals according to official reports, because they did not want to be called "Islamophobes." One father confronted Muslims who sexually abused his daughter. He got arrested by police who charged him with racism.(5)

During the current riots Muslims were told by some of their leaders to keep their Machettis and knives in the mosques. A Sky News reporter put on a helmet for protection because Muslims were understandably upset. (6) The lesson a woke, left dominated media and government learnt is: Don't criticise Muslims, the predominantly Muslim grooming gangs. If you do, some mosques and Muslims are going to be attacked. Then the UK government needs to spend millions of pounds to protect Mosques and Muslim communities with facial recognition software, etc.

Islamic “victimhood” strategy is played once again successfully by practising Muslims. If people loose confidence in the system of government and police to address problems in a just way, (as it's happening now in the UK and Western nations) they will turn to the streets. Some peacefully others violently. While the latter is to be condemned, this will result in chaos. Then Islam and Sharia, or a totalitarian, communist government will much more likely be accepted to restore law and order, if there is no other alternative.

But thankfully there is a much better way! Jesus and his heart changing Gospel! There is no moral consistency in either Islam or totalitarian regimes like with Christ Jesus who teaches:

". . . Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. . . Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. .. . your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:28-36)

Love your enemy! Where is the justice in that?

How can Jesus command his followers to forgive sinners and to love them? Would that not be grossly unjust? Indeed it would if it was not for what God said in the Tawrat:

‘Punishment is mine and reward, at the time of the slipping of their feet: for the day of their downfall is near, sudden will be their fate.’ (Deuteronomy 32:35)

Punishment must be given for justice sake. Yet it is God Himself who will execute it in His ways. In fact, He has already done so to the extent that we can justly love our enemies here and now because their punishment has been dealt with by Jesus the Messiah.

Meaning of Messiah

The Quran too calls Jesus ‘al Masih’, ‘the Messiah’ (Surah Al Imraan, 3, verse 45). However, it does not explain the meaning of the term. Neither does it provide the reason why the title was exclusively given to him. In contrast to that obscurity, the Messiah fulfils a central role in the Biblical revelations.

The Hebrew word means ‘anointed one’, translated into English as ‘Christ.’ The term has been used on different occasions mapping out the work of the one to come, foreshadowing the ultimate Messiah. He is chosen by God, he saves his people, he judges God's enemies and will eventually rule all the nations in justice and righteousness for eternity. He is described as a God like figure, living in heaven and becoming a man who took the punishment for sin that we deserved. (Isaiah 9:6-7, 53:1-12, Daniel 7:13-14)

Practical implications

The good news is that peace is possible in the UK and all other places of conflict because justice has been done by God Himself! However, what happens if God’s peace plan is rejected? In the Injeel we read,

‘As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.’ (Romans 12:18)

God’s incredibly generous offer extends to everyone but it will only be enjoyed by people who accept it. Forgiveness and love can be passed on by those alone who have experienced them in their own lives with God’s help. He has empowered governments to keep law and order, with forceful means if necessary (Romans 13:1-8).

Authorities who fulfil their purpose will act on behalf of those who are oppressed. If they do not then God will punish them severely on the day of judgement with everlasting hell. The same will happen to everyone else who refuses His ways. What should be done in the meantime by those who have accepted God’s justice and therefore experience His peace?

That state of completeness and wellbeing is not dependent on circumstances but on the relationship they have with their Saviour. People, groups or nations who stubbornly refuse to be set free from the prison of their own hatred and selfishness will have to be confronted with peaceful, good and persuasive means (e.g. Martin Luther King).

This may be a long and painful process which can be endured only by not loosing sight of the way of Jesus who has prepared a place for them in paradise. It is their real, final and everlasting homeland. May the God of Peace be with you as you get to know His Justice.

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(1) For more details visit (all links were accessed on 6th August 2024)

(2) Source: “Live Stream : Riots Break Out in the UK by Hatun Tash and Dr David Wood, 5th August 2024: It was a very profound, prophetic analysis of the riots in the UK.

(3) Jewish migration to Palestine happened especially between 1917 and 1947. For more details see

(4) e.g. Surah At-Tawbah, The Repentance, 9

