Source: Wikimedia Commons
Wow, say it isn’t so! I mean, who could’ve ever dreamed that someone’s online information could be compromised? Why, I’ve never heard of such a thing. Of course, the truth be known, all the hackers actually got was simply an “analysis” of people's DNA, including things such as your ancestral origins, along with how likely you are to develop certain diseases. You know, whether or not you’ll go bald or get Athlete’s Foot if you walk around barefoot in your gym’s locker room. Not their actual DNA data. The fact is, this has happened to me so many times from various corporate websites; I have had free credit monitoring services for the past 10 years!
Frankly, I really didn’t learn all that much I didn’t already know or assume from my 23andMe genetic testing results, anyway. Things like I have an unusually high degree of Neanderthal blood in me. Hell, any old girlfriend of mine could’ve told you that. Why, I’m even genetically related to a “pet rock,” which pretty much explains why I liked to get “stoned” so much back in college. That said, and perhaps even more concerning for many Americans - the tests found I have a strong proclivity toward being a New York Yankee fan. Anyway, 23andMe claims they’re all over this and is recommending customers change not only their passwords - but also their DNA, just to be on the safe side.
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