I want to write this because I feel like this is an issue that does not get enough attention in the media and is a growing issue in my opinion due to the massive rise in the use of social networking tools.

According to the media, men should be muscular, having bulging biceps and ripped six pack abs. This image of how men should look is plastered everywhere in the media TV, Films, Magazines, Advertising, social networking. People are becoming (or in many cases are already) obsessed with this image constructed by the media in order to create money for businesses. What these companies don't realise though is how much this affects the mental health of males. I realise that it has always been this way, and most likely will always be this way, but for me, I feel like more campaigns need to be done for positive male body image in males. A lot of the focus has been in female body image, and typically it seems that girls are a lot more willing to talk about body image issues.

I also think part of this issue is the idea of "masculinity". I think a lot of males feel like they cannot talk about the issues they have regarding body image, because it does not appear to be "masculine", especially around other males. From my own personal experience, I find this, I am comfortable talking to my female best friends, but not males because I feel like I will be seen as less of a man for admiting I have problems with the way I look.