I’d been noticing for months that my close-up vision had been getting notably worse by the day. Squinting at a menu. Squinting at my phone. Squinting while in front of the computer. Squinting when reading anything. To be honest, it was freaking me out a bit.

I went in for my annual eye exam and was pleasantly surprised my distance vision had improved to near 20/20. However, the improvement in my distance vision was to the detriment of my near vision. I’d been wearing readers for the last 6 months, but now it was suggested that I try progressive bifocals. What am I? Almost 50 or something? (yes)

Blurred Lines

All this vision testing has me thinking about the vision for my life. I have always been clear on the goals I wanted to achieve in my life. But lately, the more I tended to focus on what I want long term, out somewhere in the distance, the day to day, nearsighted steps seemed blurry.

Where do I start? How do I get going? What support do I need? What resources do I have? What exactly do I want to do? How do I get there?

5-Step Approach

I decided this year I’d go back to ‘old-school’ planners. For me there is something about writing goals down, coming up with action plans and crossing things off when successfully completed that motivates and encourages me. I found a planner that outlines a 5-step approach that really resonated with me.

Step 1: My vision. What do I want this year to look like? To feel like? What is most important to me and what can I do to improve in these areas?

Step 2: My monthly goals: 12 months means 12 goals. What are these goals? What is needed to achieve them?

Step 3: My daily action steps. Plan out my day the night before and set realistic, achievable goals. Consider work, life, and kids. Consider setting top priorities for the day and creating daily routines.

Step 4: Track each day. This planner allows me to use the monthly 30-day checklist to show the progress I’m making towards each goal.

Step 5: Share my goals. There is power in having accountability partners. Be bold and commit to your goals by sharing them with others that will support you.

Time To Focus

I’ve read so much already on “bringing things into focus” this year, be it my life, relationships, career, health. Every year we tend to set New Year resolutions, only to be disappointed in ourselves when we fall short.

I’m not starting off with anything crazy, but I do want to be intentional this year... perhaps more intentional than I’ve ever been. This is a big year for me, and I don’t want another year to go by and I look back and find myself in the exact same place. Because if we aren’t growing, stretching, moving, learning every day, then we are just simply existing. And I for one believe there is so much more to our lives than simply existing.

My Word

So, my word for this year is “MOVE”. Move forward with confidence. Move forward with grace. Move forward with deliberation. Move forward with purposeful intention. Move forward with faith. Move forward with focus. Move forward with self-care. Move forward with love. Move forward with baby steps if necessary. Just MOVE.

This. Is. My. Year. I’m claiming it to be so and know it can be for you as well.

What is your word for 2020?