Source: Me Yard...11/29/17 sun 4:58pm
Joy Reid just admitted that FOX News is more informed than her station MSNBC.
She acts as if NO ONE has ever heard of the Gangs M13 and STATED that only people that watch FOX NEWS would know of them.
Way to plug Fox News Joy!
Throw "Fox and Friends" and "The Five" in next time please.
Individual program plugs are AWESOME!
If SHE watched them her viewers would be educated and SAFER.
These aren't just gangs they are trained troops.Likely trained by OUR military back in the nineties.
You BET these are some dangerous dudes and most have NO conscience.
Yes Joy..Fox News is invaluable even as the powers that be TRY their level best to control them too.
I wonder how much YOUR MOUTH was worth.
Seems some of Fox people have succumbed but the ones that matter haven't and carry on INFORMING in TRUTH to the best of their ability..
You CNN & MSNBC continue to be the greatest PROPAGANDA TOOL and look like COMEDY news as you pass lies and FAKE NEWS..
YOU JOY are a black white supremecist and NOT EVEN good at it...
Pathetic is you and yours.
God IS protecting the USA from the LIKES of you and YOUR kind..SUPREME MiSINFORMATION SPREADERS.
I pray for you IDIOTS...Joy Reid,Joe & Mika... that are trying to DESTROY the Nation in your IGNORANCE..
Be aware.
