Jimmy Carter is no longer with us. His single term is undergoing a re evaluation. It was deemed to have been a failure both at home and abroad. Today, he is looked at differently. He signed The Panama Canal Treaty in 1977 and the Camp David Accords. These are not insignificant achievements.

There is one mystery from his Presidency that has never been clarified.

During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Carter engaged in negotiations to have the 52 hostages released. In April 1980, there was even a rescue attempt by American commandos. The mission failed, the loss of 8 servicemen.

It has been claimed that the Reagan Campaign Team made a deal with the Iranians to keep the hostages in captivity. It is alleged that the Republicans were fearful of an October Surprise which would boost Carter's re election chances. So, the theory is, the Iranians agreed to hold on to the hostages until Reagan was elected. In exchange Iran would receive weapons via Israel. The hostages were released in 1981, just after Ronald Reagan was sworn in. Coincidence?

Too far fetched? Multiple claims have been made by multiple sources from Carter staffer Gary Sick, Republican researcher Barbara Honegger and former Iranian President Abolhossan Bani Sadr. No one could describe them as wild eyed conspiracy theorists. An aide to former Texas Governor John Connally says that Connally allegedly travelled to Europe to meet with the Irainians. The plot thickens.

The America media need to look into this story again. If this is indeed true, then it is nothing less than treason.