Now YOU know the QUESTION now lets see if you get it RIGHT it's something to KNOW......

q/*<+>/*\<+>*\p = the wiz QUIZ


If you're new to buying engraved gifts, you've most likely been confused as to what is the difference between a personalized gift with a monogram versus one with initials. Like anything else, it's easy once you know how.

For example purposes, let's use Amy Beth Cooper as our example gift recipient.

If you are getting a special gift engraved with initials, you would normally would have ABC or just AC engraved. You go first, middle, last. Or just first and last. All letters are engraved the same size in all capital letters.

If you are going with a monogram, you would do ACB. The proper order is first, LAST, middle. The center letter is typically done larger than the one on the left and the one on the right. The last name letter has emphasis and is thus bigger.

Now, here's a twist. Let's say you are getting a combination gift such as a serving set (cake knife and server) or toasting flutes for a couple. Use Amy Beth Cooper and David Edgar Cooper as the couple. For something like this, you would do ACD. Take the bride's first name letter, the couple's last name letter and then the groom's first name letter.

That is all there is too it. Once you know the difference between initials and monogramming, it is a piece of cake to go ahead and order your engraved gifts for your groomsmen, bridesmaids, co-workers, or anyone you need a special personalized gift

My Initials are R.L.C. For Rick L. Cox my Monogram is R.C.L. .....I Have a BRASS Lighter that I keep in my pocket that has R.C.L. That my sister INLAW GAVE TO ME OVER 35 YEARS AGO now that's something I have KEEP for a LONG ASS TIME so that will give you an IDEA how OLD LESLIE Is she just had her birthday and she was BORN in 1956 now that's a LONG ASS TIME AGO!!!