Since my dad's passing, I look after my step-mom. She is sweet, wonderful and I love her to pieces. She truly tries to be independent and for the most part does a great job. She will be 80 at the end of Jan. and I notice some signs of her forgetting things that worry me. So I try to be on top of it.

In the mean time, my son had some medical issues which are up in the air. SO i'm a bit frazzled with all his appointments.

Today my step-mom called on her cell as she has no power, no heat and a mouse in her apartment that she pays a fortune for. I missed the call getting ready for work. She asked me to call her back on her cell. Well I've been trying for over two hours and I'm panicked cause she won't answer. I'm about to ask my boss if I can leave work to check on her.
Oh how I wish a fairy godmother to HELP.