Every writer globally starts off with a blank page & ideas, situated between worlds. One world is the world of their concrete linear mundane world telling them that this will have the writer writing between the alternate world of meeting all of their literate imaginative writing demands & the world of ultimately choosing their publishers when the book tells the creator writer that it’s completed. At first it’s an unknown path that one must take in order to finish well at the finishing line & then pursue the publishers who’re right for you & your book. The ideas you have for writing are all a secret code waiting to meet their producer maker publishers who will bring it to life globally which is also enraptured in a secret code the writer will discover!

Such was my journey with my book “Force Fields From Beyond” which is published by Austin Macauley London New York international publishers of world renown. Looking for Austin Macauley who are publishers more perfect than I could ever write about or be a part of as I would compare looking for the right publishers which is very much akin to looking for the right surgeon to imprint the perfect surgery on you. So getting the right publishers is also very much like winning the lottery of literate publishing perfection matching the perfect life DNA of your book to matching the perfect DNA blueprint of your publishers & in this case & many cases it was getting Austin Macauley to accept & accept they did! It’s very much akin to putting your book out there to the universe & your book creation is in a free fall searching for the right binary code where the secret code of your book will match the secret code of the publisher & for me & other writers that secret code revealed itself in Austin Macauley!

I can never forget the time I made the commitment every writer must make & in my case I went to the Javits Center to the Javits International Book fair to sign my Austin Macauley publishing contract & meet the very engaging radiant reps from Austin Macauley who had come to the Javits Center in New York City from their native London. They were Hayley Knight, one of the editors at Austin Macauley, & Anita from Austin Macauley marketing. I was very impressed & the Austin Macauley corner spot at the Javits Center was a gem of Austin Macauley books & camaraderie indeed. That inner special energy has a lot to do with everything in life. For me the energy from these reps from Austin Macauley couldn’t have been more right. It seemed as though everything in the universe fell into place & the universe was creating the words & the actions of positive outcomes! Out of the blue as I was about to sign my publishing contract in front of these two charming & genuine reps from Austin Macauley who had come all the way from London England to attend the NYC Javits Book fair, a NYC pigeon landed on the floor of the Javits Center & I always thinking of hungry birdies out there who also need to eat took out some seeds for the hungry pigeon but as I signed my most important publishing contract with Austin Macauley I couldn’t help thinking that this was indeed not a coincidence but truly a sign from the universe that this radiant energy of the birdie pigeon landing close to the Austin Macauley booth was the universe speaking to all of us. Anita from Marketing ran to the bird’s rescue to feed him & the rest is a life scape reality from Austin Macauley! It was a surreal scene indeed & the surrounding publishers at the Javits International book fair were awestruck by what they were seeing. This didn’t happen any where else in the huge Javits center only near the Austin Macauley area ! For me it was the energy of the universe combined with a special on the spot universal consciousness that decided to choose Austin Macauley with a NYC pigeon bird landing to make one awestruck knowing that nothing like this could be an accident of good fortune. This was inexplicable as we all were gasping, giggling & smiling with astonishing looks! It could only come from some all knowing universal computer computing the magic secret code of things that must fall into place accurately with incredible fortunate impact for all!

My book “Force Fields from Beyond", published by Austin Macauley, is being sold in all the usual places. All thrilling thanks to Austin Macauley who’re on the cutting edge of publishing worldwide leadership power. The signs from the universe are always moving gallantly & expressively in sync with the algorithms of our phantasmagoric universe, always in motion because publishers like Austin Macauley can be the poetry in motion reality you need for your book creation! They are the deliverance of the sublime & the high notes you seek in your writer’s dreamscape! Hip Hip Hurray for Austin Macauley!