Choose a path and proceed without fear.
Each road taken exposes a new place to steer,
experiences that endear,
some hurdles to clear,
but knowledge that leads to a life well-lived, replete with much cheer.
So persevere.

The paralyzing effects of what-ifs and worry
can make us retract or scurry
away in a hurry
in an angst-filled, stymying flurry.

Address the world with an inquisitive face.
Tackle each obstacle with determined grace.
Positive or negative, embrace each case,
then digest all the learning that takes place.

Stifle apprehension then persist at your own pace.
Keep unwrappng new skates to lace,
gleefully gliding into each race,
discovering and subsuming the wonders anear,
joyfully accepting of all that appears.

Welcome, and be inspired by each new experience.
Assume an inquiring stance, resolving to blossom from whatever's sent.

Establish your base.
Eventually, of trepidation, there will be no trace.