god dont you love it when you have secrets which make life exciting!! it doesnt matter if your doing wrong as long as your happy!! you can be selfish sometimes! why not we live once? and we get called and talked about for doing good things as much as we do when doing bad?
i never imagined even being near this guy,who is my brothers mate and they'd kill me if they knew but the secret is so exciting!!!
this other guy when he comes in the girls toilets well im waiting for my mate and kisses me and nobody even knows that were more than friends!
meeting each other without even knowing! and feeling that warmth and love!
not being a complete tart but having a little flirt with people, females&males!
when your dancing and your eyes connect to that certain someone and nobody even knows!
why would be want everyone to know our buisness, taking the fun out of the word fun! and out of our lives! people complain that their lives are so rubbish well if you dont like it change it!!! have a bit of naughtyness, secrets, get that thrill, be cheeky! cry, laugh!! love life! im so happy and thankful that i have one i will treasure it till my last day!!!