Do you wish upon a star ?
Do you see things near & Far ?
Did your wishes come true so FAR ?
Or did you wish on the wrong falling Star ?
Did you you wish on a planet not a Star ?
How are we doing so far ?
That planet you wished on, was it MARS ?
Watch what you wish for, you might get it. Then you find, you went too FAR ?
I make wishes all the time; on Brithday cakes & falling Stars ?
I wonder witch one I wish on brithday cakes ,But I see more falling STARS I make wishes on found pennys as I make my wish & throw the penny over my right side to the HEAVENS to the STARS,,,
But what do I wish for? That's E-z, I wish GOD to keep my family Safe. God lives among the Stars ?
If GOD chooses to take a LOVE ONE to live among the STARS..
I Know GOD needed an ANGLE to help out among the STARS..
PEOPLE look to the HEAVENS to get their answers and SEE the STARS..
A Star is given to a GUARDIAN ANGLE if you take the job & live among the STARS ?
SO, I ask you: Will you take this job of being a GUARDIAN ANGLE and get a STAR ?
I haven't gotten a Star since 3rd. grade. So I would like a GOLD STAR.
When I take this job of being a GUARDIAN ANGLE & live among the STARS.
I saw my MOM in HEAVEN one day, in the tunnel with the STAR LIGHT at the other END. My MOM works for GOD! So she's and ANGLE in the Heavens and Stars...
So I ask you: Are you going to take a Job as an ANGLE and get a color STAR ???