Some avoid it or only look for a few
seconds and turn away, could it be
that their afraid of what they see or
aware of the truth that lingers in a
simple glaze.

You can stare at your phone all day
but when I ask for I contact It's like
your mind doesn't register what I
say. What the eyes see the mind
except and makes the mouth run
like a relay.

I hear some people say stand for
something are you'll fall for anything
so I stand for eye contact do it for
the kids you don't have to do it for
me. Because It's impossible to get
a job without looking your boss in
the eyes.

Eye contact = conversation and
without conversation, well I don't
have to say it but look at the world
today it's devastating. I'm just
patiently waiting on GOD to come
and cleanse it all away.

BY: Jeremy Doakes