Editor's Note: Joel Osteen is the pastor and televangelist of a 16,000 seat mega-church in Houston Texas. He is a best-selling author of many books and well known throughout the U.S. When a hurricane flooded Houston, tens of thousands of people were left without a home or shelter. His chuch didn't offer any. When reporters asked why, a church spokesperson said it was because the area around the church was flooded. Cameramen filmed showing there was no flooding anywhere near the church. This news went viral on social media throughout the US.

Joel Osteen has been the butt of many mean spirited jokes and memes lately. He has even been dubbed and "Fake Christian". Some of the people who are engaged in these activities are not Christians. Others are Christians. Those Christians who are engaged in these mean spirited activities are not acting like Christians. Those who are not Christians are not acting in a way that follows the teachings of their faith either.
To be sure, Joel Osteen did not act like a Christian when he didn't offer his church as shelter for his neighbors in need. I am sure that he realizes what he did was wrong. I am sure that he will learn from this mistake because, he is, after all, a smart man. I am also sure that Joel Osteen is a good man. Not offering his church to his neighbors was an error in judgement, not a calculated, mean spirited decision.
Joel Osteen Preaches in a positive, uplifting way. He talks about the blessings that God has for each of us. He often talks about forgiveness and redemption. I believe that Joel Osteen deserves our forgiveness and he deserves redemption through the actions that he is now taking and will likely take in the future.
Joel Osteen is an imperfect human being and he has an awful lot of company. In the Holy Bible Jesus said "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." Those who have been casting stones at Joel Osteen should consider examining their own lives and see if they are without sin. They should examine their own actions and decide if they truly acted in a way that is in alignment with their faith. Did they act in a way that would please God? Those who truly follow the teachings of Jesus wouldn't join the feeding frenzy or the angry mob that drove the "Rain Vengeance Upon Joel Osteen bandwagon. They do not sit in judgement of others for they know that judgement is reserved for God.
Joel Osteen and his church may feel more heat and take a financial hit from this fiasco in the short term but if Mr. Osteen is shunned and his voice is forever silenced over this that would truly be a tragedy on multiple levels. Not only for him but for people of faith everywhere as well. It would be a tragedy because Joel Osteen is a powerful, positive voice in the world faith community. It would be a tragedy because the things he talks about and the way he says them need to be heard. It would be a tragedy because the forgiveness that is put forth by all faiths wasn't afforded to a person of faith by the community of faith and what would that say about the community of faith?
This entire episode should teach us that not all Christians act like Christians all of the time. Not Mr. Osteen and not his detractors either. The lesson that this episode is meant to teach us is that we are all imperfect human beings and it is only through forgiveness that we can heal, move on and get closer to God.
In True Faith,
The Prophet of Life

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