Time. From seconds to years of time wasted, Here I sit, at this moment, wasting time.
Thought. So necessary yet so, fleeting, somehow. Thoughts ricocheting against the walls of my ever so weak mind, scraping and scratching at each other, creating sub-thoughts without logic in the process.


A combination unaware of the implications it could cause, assuming you are lacking a chemical or two in your brain.
Insomnia. While I would love to report that insomnia and I are strangers (acquaintances at best), she is like an invisible roommate invading my comfort every night.

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), or lack of more specifically can cause Insomnia. Basically, this chemical turns the lights off for you after you are all cozy in bed. Lack of GABA mean lights on all night and little or no sleep for you. Now what medically happens when mixing time, thought and, a lack of gamma-aminobutyric acid? I’m honestly not sure.

Is it ALL medical though? I’d like to think my immense self-loathing and talent for remembering my worst moments, had something to do with it. Does this mean I can solely blame a chemical imbalance for my lack of serotonin? Is that in itself a chemical imbalance?

Oh no. See what I did there? I put too much time into the thought.

Insomnia, it’s four AM and here we are, sitting opposite ends of the couch. Silent. Somehow so silent. Insomnia, my lifelong friend, my curse.

My… no, me.