Although there are other more pressing matters like world hunger, feminism, ect. ect. ect. I would like to focus on a matter that seriously has me confused. Boys. Obviously my problems are not that serious in comparison, however, it is of serious concern to me. Is it me? Is it them? What the hell is it? Why the hell do boys have to be so damn complicated? I just want a guy who seriously isn't just after my virture. The mere fact that I haven't had my first kiss yet really bugs me, like I'm about to end my first semester of college. I've never had a boyfriend, been on a date, let alone had my first kiss. Although it really bugs me, I'm kind of proud, I'm like a motherfucking unicorn. Everyone around me talks about sex so casually. It's weird. I don't judge them, because if I was more outgoing.. I'd probably be a slut. I'm just filled with all kinds of confusing emotions. I think I'm gonna end up like the "40 year old virgin", except the female asian version. Who knows? I feel like I am on a boat (pun intended), stuck in the middle of the ocean, alone.