September 20, 2013

I was talking to my mom and she was telling me that dad refused to let her swap the daytime catheter to night when it was needed… she hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep because of it… she’s nice enough to change it for him and not willing to complain about it… I told her it wasn’t right that she should have to interrupt her rest period three times during an eight hour span… I was surprised that my father didn't want to help her out a bit by putting up with the nighttime version of the device… she predicted that I would probably be the same when I got to be his age… I hope not… I see myself as someone more aware of people’s feelings but only time can tell… pop’s going to see the urologist on Tuesday… I said that if he’s instructed to wear the catheter permanently that she is going to have to insist that he conform… I care about my pa but I love my mother as well… I’m caught in the middle on this one and I’m not sure how it’s going to work out… hopefully things will turn out for the best.