If reality itself is too shocked by the nature of reality then this non household name of retired Sergeant Clifford Stone US army would be an electric shock to the reality of many as they might not recover from the initial shock of the staggering surreal but genuine realities this retired US army sergeant would share with them. As the late, great John E. Mack of Harvard & UFO abduction research fame would have said “It’s not within their reality view”. It’s more like a head on collision of the human experience being hijacked to some other location out of earth. The work of Sgt. Clifford Stone would not be in their reality view for many who still believe that there’s nothing out there because putting food on the table & making ends meet is enough reality to cope with & beyond that the unbearable would set in & the jitters of human survival & capability would be challenged to the limit. Beyond these every day mundane realities what is out there is a myth to the ignorant masses & not to be viewed as reality.

In his quiet classically unassuming manner retired Sgt. Clifford Stone knows his life would be earth realities’ electric shock to the entire planet & to humans who think & believe the dumb lie that this is all there is. The human mundane mentality hasn’t shifted to a higher realization that elite army retirees like Sergeant Clifford Stone know that non human intelligences have been visiting the planet for eons. He has seen them & felt what they feel & they in turn have felt what he feels.

This higher level of empathy rarely exists but many man made tragedies of late have given our empathy IQs a jolt of unsteadiness & disorienting waywardness. With 22 dedicated years in the US army Clifford Stone was somehow launched into a world of the USA’s most profound hidden secrets about extraterrestrial beings & their mindboggling technologies & starships. Clifford Stone has been the eyewitness& a skilled professional to extraterrestrial history on earth in the making.

Retired US Army Sergeant Clifford Stone has been involved in UFO crash retrievals since the sixties. He was in charge of all UFO retrievals seeing dead & live extraterrestrials & recovering the UFO craft from other worlds & recovering the pieces, the debris & the all too important data. It’s Sergeant Clifford Stone who divulges about the 57 different extraterrestrial species visiting the earth. Together with the many verifiable documents such as the Beltz Memo & the General Bolender memo verifying that we have indeed been visited by EBE beings not of this world which is some of the irrefutable evidence that’s to be exalted & scrutinized with respect not denied. When Sergeant Stone was interviewed by Project Camelot he opens up to the entities high ability to experience empathy. Operation Moon Dust & Operation Blue Fly are code names of what he did which is the recovery of all ET craft that’s crashed or landed on earth & it’s contents. I had heard about retired Sergeant Clifford Stone from my former brilliant, charismatic UFO host & producer Jim Rodger of “The Cutting Edge - The Truth Revealed" in which I was the Manhattan New York co-producer for this unique informative nationally televised cable program at Manhattan Cable Network in Manhattan New York which had a very wide audience in America’s cities across the country. During his interview with "Cutting Edge -The Truth Revealed" host extraordinaire & producer Jim Rodger interviewed retired Sergeant Clifford Stone as Clifford Stone who captured the audience nationwide with his revelation that indeed he was in command of all UFO crash retrievals. It was a gripping moment & a moment you can reference as one US army figurehead who experienced the alien mind & all of its enigmas unknown to man as an indescribable exhilarating admission to the American viewing public.

What Clifford Stone eyes have seen would startle the world into a mind shift of shock culture of getting used to non human intelligences on our planet. Clifford Stone going way back had a special ability for his line of work. The Army captain who knew him encouraged him & he knew he was the right candidate to command UFO retrievals & that he had what it takes to do this unearthly uncanny job. The interplanetary Unit had been around during the time of heroes Douglas MacArthur & when General Marshall took over the unit. This was also special unit retrieving all unearthly craft from worlds beyond ours when they crashed on earth. Clifford Stone makes reference to the EBE Guidebook which stands for the extraterrestrial biological entity guidebook. The job title that Clifford Stone is known for is called “communicator interfacer” which means he has interfaced with spectacularly advanced beings who’re not earth humans which the military calls “extraterrestrial biological entities.” This is the most eclectic & rarest of destinies interfacing with a living non human intelligent entity who does not come from earth. Although Sergeant Stone had requested FOIA documents pertaining to Operation Moon Dust & Operation Blue Fly it was all denied that these operations of recovering UFO debris from other worlds which had crashed on earth had been recovered. Sergeant Clifford Stone lived the truth & was there with the extraterrestrial super advanced debris & the advanced UFO craft & non human intelligence beings who sometimes were dead ETS,live ETS & wounded ETs. Many times the extraterrestrial biological entity was alive & Clifford Stone’s ability to interface & communicate with live extraterrestrials was urgently useful & a life line to understanding non human intelligences. How do they get here? Clifford Stone answered that question in his Project Camelot interview “transversable wormhole”.

The ET advancements stir the human mind & are mind shifting & of a far more superior elk than we have. We have back engineered some of those ET starships & Clifford Stone reminds us of that. Clifford Stone’s contributions to ET knowledge & sharing info about ET technologies are immeasurable since he’s captured many documents that prove that ET & ET starships have visited our planet & continues to do so. Clifford Stone speaks of his knowing that he would lose his son. So if he acquired clairvoyance from the ETS he was surrounded with but he could not avert the motorcycle tragedy that his son had. One of his most striking awesome experiences that Sergeant Stone talks about is his extraterrestrial friend Korona which shows that they’re extraordinary humans like Sergeant Clifford Stone who can make a friend with an EBE & why not? Instead of a weapon it’s the cosmic higher self intelligence that Clifford Stone has used with extraterrestrial beings. The 21st century mural would be of man shaking the hand of an ET. I find it incredible & incomprehensible that John Podesta hasn’t called on Sergeant Clifford Stone nor that other guy of high prominence Stephen Bassett of When a live extraterrestrial is in the room it’s retired Sergeant Clifford Stone, Steve Bassett & Dr.Greer who should be in the room. If the next president Hillary Clinton wants to get to the bottom of unidentified Aerial Phenomena then these three must share in a presidential committee for UAP craft & extraterrestrial biological entities. It would be an unprecedented event if such a committee for ET presence on earth would be formed. Make no mistake about it because the Bassetts of the world,the Clifford Stones of the world & Dr. Greer’s of the world want transparency. They’re not playing fatal games where egregious lies dominate & regress mankind’s progress to the stars & the understanding of the star beings. Speaking of experience, they have the prodigious skills that it takes to interface & communicate with ET. It’s high time such a transparent ET human based committee known to the public existed but not to lie to the public. If lying persists with this issue, then that would be a fatal mistake with no recovery! Surely the next president would be smart to have such a committee. I would love to ask Clifford Stone about what he knows about those transversable wormholes & how they work! Surely theoretical physicist Michio Kaku would be at the table analyzing all this for posterity. To go to Clifford Stone’s website at is an exploration into the other beings. Retired Sergeant Clifford Stone also has a book of his most special unprecedented life it’s called “Eyes Only The Story of Clifford Stone & UFO Crash Retrievals” . Clifford Stone has also retrieved many FOIA documents that prove everything is true. Clifford Stone never misses to admit that we have back engineered these ET artifacts & eerie technologies from beyond our planet. Although Stone was listed to be a clerk typist in the army he never was that as he was part of an elite group recovering UFO crash retrievals. Clifford Stone makes reference to Black Projects the projects that are so madly secret & fanatically hidden from the public which is the law of those programs that no one in these elite programs admit to anything as many take an oath not to reveal.

Clifford Stone espouses that this is all unconstitutional & has always advocated transparency. The whole point is that retired Sergeant Clifford Stone is a monument of knowledge & facts about ET & the vast super extraterrestrial technologies & world shattering secrets of the universe revealed. My former boss & engaging knowledgeable producer & host Jim Rodger picked the gems of the pickers in the UFO worlds & having Clifford Stone reveal this fact that he was there & was part of this elite group that retrieved starships from other worlds & saw extraterrestrial beings from other worlds beyond earth would make America’s jaws drop in utter awesome shock & so would the countries of Australia, New Zealand & Great Britain all countries aware of the ET presence visiting them for eons because ET can travel to the ends of all worlds. For the human mind this would set off a conscious & subconscious spinning turbulence of vertigo in the human psyche but for retired Sergeant Clifford Stone this is indeed the essence of his work & the love of his work which is an advanced otherworldly gift to all beings on earth & the earth planet itself.