I am still trying to process the events of 6 January 2021 in Washington DC. A mob stormed Capitol Hill to "stop the steal" ie the certification of the election of Joe Biden by Congress.

The mob, egged on by President Trump are convinced that he won the election in November and that a massive fraud took place. Despite multiple legal challenges to the result, and all cases being thrown out, the Trumpists persist. They are so convinced that their man is the rightful winner. He is their saviour, the Greatest President Ever. He has "made America great again". It is at this point that you scratch your head furiously.

It is wrong to compare Trump to Adolf Hitler. Trump never was a genocidal dictator who sought to invade and and conquer. He has however, used racism and xenophobia to broaden his appeal. He has convinced ordinary working people that he speaks for and to them. He use huge rallies to appeal to his base. Like minded people see and hear people who look and sound like them. It is all a con, but people believe it because they want to. It is borderline fascism, but they are more than happy to defer to The Strong Leader.

Last year revealed that the emperor had no clothes. The spread of Covid 19 across exposed Donald Trump as a poor leader who had no clue. Whether it was on masks or PPE, he failed to provide leadership. The deathtoll is now over 300,000. Millions have lost their jobs. And still his supporters cling to him, both politically and emotionally.

In the closing stages of World War Two,the German people still believed in Adolf Hitler. He had taken them from misery and despression, surely he will take them to victory? Aerial bombing by the Allies and the relentless advance from the East and West did not stop the support for Nazis. He took Germany to the brink of utter destruction , and yet the Army fought on even though they knew that defeat was inevitable. The Germans hoped/prayed that Hitler would pull off a miracle to save them. What did he do? He killed himself and left them to their fate.

Trump has checked out completely when it comes to Covid 19. It may have ravaged his country, but he does not care anymore. He will no longer get his second term,so why should he care about anything? He will soon be leaving power convinced that he has been robbed. He sits in the White House angry and bitter. What a leader!