All the while I've been struggling with my own problems, I've always had a brave face and been there for others when they're down whilst hiding my own problems.

On reading a status from someone I once knew, who was feeling down about remembering old times, I commented this:

"I do this often... Don't get down about good times you've had, be thankful you were able to make the memories and enjoy remembering them. Soon enough the life you're living now will be nothing but a memory, so don't make it a sad one! Pick yourself up, grab your friends and go make more memories. Chin up :))"

Yet here I am, feeling sorry for myself unable to let the good memories I have made go. Why is it so easy for us to give advice, yet even when we know what we're saying makes sense, it's so hard to do! I still don't know whether I'm coming or going. I'm still hurting like crazy.... I look around and I see thousands of people that have been through this, so I know in the long run it will get easier...I just wish it was sooner rather than later.

I need to learn to let go, cherish those memories, knowing that soon enough my life now will be a memory, and I'm pretty sure I'll end up laughing at myself for letting myself get in this position. Get out and make some new memories.

But how is the question. How do you do this?