Being my first post on this site, I almost feel as though I don't belong here. As if being a writer and having thoughts too precious to put on the internet makes me an outsider. But this is the thing with thoughts, they are powerful energys that we, as humans, choose to manifest into actions.

These thoughts of displacement can only be manfiested by will, so sitting here writing this, I guess, is the opposite of that. I am showing myself that I do belong and that I can inspire people with my words.

So i decided to just put something together to reflect how I'm feeling at this current moment. With my a-levels looming and the prospect of uni in the distance, I have been told that I am to make all these choices.. choices which I never really have. Anyway the conspiracy of the education system can definitely be saved for another day. Hope you enjoy.

will it make a difference
my choice
but who says it's my choice when i rely on the choice of others
those who make the choice will tell me
it's my choice
was it my choice to fail that exam?
or the choice of the angry examanier who just broke up with his girlfriend?
or the choice of the exam board when everybody does a little too well?

they tell me it's my choice but really
it's theirs
it will always be their choice
