Hey! So this is my first ever blog, so please no hate! Basically i'm gonna babble about me and my life and blah blah blah...
So i'm Aidan and i'm 12 and yes that is actually me in that picture! That's right Aidan is a girls name too! Who knew!? Oh! And i'm Home Educated. Anyway i'm into all sorts of things, Minecraft (gaming), The Mortal Instruments (Reading...alot), Art, Sports (sometimes *translation* if i'm not being lazy...as usual), Blogging (even though this is my first one), Youtube! (my fav youtuber is Parker from MineplexOfficial *check him out*) and yeah that's all i can think of. But basically all my blogs and blah are gonna be about me and things I heard that were either weird or interesting (probably weird), things i've done, or things other people have done, my fan art, books i've recently read and are addicted too and all sorts of blah about minecraft and blahdeblahdeblah (I don't usually say blah this much)
So yeah. enjoy. :D x