This sucks. Computers crapping out.
so quick run down of pieces I want to write but can't til I replace or fix whatever is messing with this computers battery! Shadow people? Kidding, seriously. Me over-use! Definitely.
So my personal rundown would have been,
Chickenhearts banning Bill Cosby PAST and present shows. Those Cosby series were really violent.
Gun Advertisements pulled from FACEBOOK, as well as safety equipment pertaining to guns and weapons.
Museum turns over old rifles due to GOVERNMENT beuracracy DICTATING the return to original owners the only way to comply with the law. MUSEUM....what they gonna return them to the dead and buried? CHEW on that one for awhile.
Anyway Seb me I have to figure power sensitivity on car AND computer, sets dangling so off into the fleas.
singing...Laughing all the way!
more mayhem ready to be loosed,
said mother no skwakin goose! LOL!
Aloha ,y.... cuidado

anotherlittlepainpiece/peace/painintheass. AHALO Love!