It's a Saturday morning and the Sun is shining beautifully and there is not a cloud to be seen. The sky is deepest blue and there is a cool breeze flowing through as I have all the windows open. I am not young, I am not old so I suppose I have reached middle age! I have been searching for something all my life and have not yet found what I am looking for. I have no idea what I am looking for and so I am thinking to myself that this is the way it will always be.

I have a home based business that is non-existant and that gets me down at times. I believe that I have Asperger's syndrome although it is borderline but I am struggling to get a diagnosis as this can only be done privately and not on the NHS and so this is very expensive. I think I may pursue this as it is important to me but I guess I am going to have to get some money together.

I suppose I have found a little bit of hope, something to believe in once again as I return to my Catholic Faith. I am a lapsed Catholic and I have not been to Church in years. Well, I don't know where the sudden impulse came from but all of a sudden I find myself picking up a statue of our Lady or the Blessed Virgin Mary and a cross and placing this on a small desk in my bedroom thereby creating a small alter with which I can start to pray once again. I have started saying my rosary again and in time I suppose I will return to the church in order to make my confession. It kind of feels right and good, it's something to hope for.

Othere than this life goes on and I like to indulge in my daily reading and I recently purchased my first kindle and it is so convenient with the number of books that it can store. I said to myself that I would always favour the physical book but my philosophy on this has now changed.

My regular daily cycling keeps me fit and sane. Regular fitness training and exercise definitely bins all those negative, rubbish thoughts and I notice the positive effects on my body.

Well, that's it, just a short piece of writing. Getting some things off my chest I suppose.

Hope your weekend is a lot better than mine :) Andrew