1) There are times in my life where I question if there is something wrong with me ......

2) There are times where I question, why don't "my friends" talk to me, as they do to my sister ........

Till this day I haven't figured out question one, but for question two I've concluded that those "friends" are just people who are not important in my life. They never made the effort to talk to me, yet I tried so hard for them to start a conversation with me. Those people that for so long I called "friends" are just strangers, they are those people who slowly poisoned my life by making me feel like if I was nothing.

The other day my sister and I, being the same age, were invited to go hang out; you know a girls night out if you can say. We were sitting at a table and I found myself feeling like if I was out of place. My sister and them were having a conversation about something that they had previously talked about in messages, and I tried so hard to try to understand what they were talking about yet no one would make an effort to explain to me. I felt like a nobody; like a complete stranger who just sat at a random table without knowing anyone.

The suck part, is that I've known these people for 4 years, yet it seems like everyday I'm barely meeting them ( if that makes any sense).

As of today, it has only been me; me, myself, and I (and of course YOU). It hit me today that I have never been a follower of others. Everytime they chose one way, my heart always choose a different one. Maybe that's why we never really connected, maybe there is something better ahead that awaits me.

~Simply J