I was at the birthday party one Saturday, as I sat on the bench at the back of the garden I realised that nearly every person reminds me of someone I have met in my life.

Looking at the people I hardly knew I did not see strangers, quite the opposite I could see features of my former colleague, classmate, landlady, and friend.

How unusual, I thought to myself, to meet so many people from my past in one place and in one day.

Perhaps I have unfinished business with them, I wondered, but to my relief I had only happy memories with them when searching through my mind.

A friend came to join me few minutes later and sat next to me on the bench. I forget all about my observations and just carried on with the party.

It was later at home, when I was thinking about it, I realised what the whole situation reminded me of.

When at the party, seeing all those people who had once crossed my path, I felt like sitting inside the secret room of my heart.

I had happy memories with the mentioned people, but I knew I was carrying one or two people in my heart who I would not like to see at the party.

The best way to clear things out with them would be simply by inviting them to the party despite everything. I could ask them to sit with me on the bench one by one until I resolve my issues with them and so at the end of the day I would walk away free.

I would not have to talk to them if I did not feel like it, I would just have to let my emotions ran freely, until all I could feel was love once again. How simple I thought.

If you invited every person that once crossed your path to the party, would you be able to walk away from that party free or would you walk away with an emotional baggage?

Throw a party in your heart and invite everybody you can think of, invite them just the way they are, with all their imperfections and sins against you, try to invite everybody even you.

Sit at the bench at the back, observe what is going on and if you spot someone you have difficulty with, ask them to sit next to you on your bench.

Please remember it is not important how they feel about you, only your attitude towards them matters when clearing things out, because you are clearing your heart not theirs. Concentrate on perfecting your love, let everything else be.

If there is someone in your heart that does not belong there anymore let them go, but never with rage, always peacefully.

Throw a party in your heart, just to revise, clear and forgive; just to let anger, frustration, fear and doubt flow, just to be honest with your feelings, just to get to know how you really feel.

Throw a party in your heart once in a while, so your love can roar once again.
