Say yes every time you're invited out, even if it's 2 am, especially if you're already fucked. Don't be afraid of getting too messed up, there's no such thing.

Never break eye contact first, always make them be the one to pull their gaze away. Have satisfaction that you won the staring contest but wonder why they were too timid to come over and say hello. Was it because your eyes are really as cold as your last girlfriend said they were?

Tell yourself you won't snort coke like everyone else. You're better than that, you have to much to live for. Think about your dead end retail job and how you have to be there in less than 5 hours. Remember that you were supposed to be the designated driver. Do the coke anyway.

Learn to blow smoke out of your nose and act like it's never once come out of your mouth. When people ask how you did that shrug and walk away.

Go to every single house party you hear about. Never say no to a good time and take pride in knowing that you are having more fun than everyone else there. Count the number of beer bottles in the kitchen sink. Don't go home until you are responsible for at least half of them

Spend every night at home getting so high that you can't remember if you ever learned to walk, because you definitely don't know how to do that right now. Once you establish that you do in fact have two working legs, go outside and try to name all the stars. Don't give up.

Steal disposable cameras from your local Walmart, it's not like anyones going go miss them. Document everything on film and don't be afraid to tell people to fuck off when they think you're just being trendy. Film is cool because it tells the truth, explain that to people.

Sit alone in coffee shops for hours on end. Eavesdrop on the people next to you in between crying over how lost you are in life. When someone asks if you're okay, be honest.

Remember that you matter. You might just be a speck of dust, but a speck of dust will never exist like you again.