The long evenings stretch out before me, dark and cold.
I'm starting to question my decision. Should I really delve so deeply into my psyche, pick through it all and see what horrors may be lurking beneath?
Am I ready to peel back the layers to reveal the grime that lies within them? Can I face the prospect of facing them?
I wonder, not for the first time, what it is that I fear particularly. Is it the depth? Is it the intricate details of my life that have developed me as I am. All those delicate stitches in the fabric of my being, all of those stiches that have been done incorrectly, that whe tugged will all fall apart. Surely this bubble I am in now is not worth popping? I'm happy now.
I want to stay in the comfort zone, and Wednesday will not allow for that. It will question.
It will poke scars tha will slowly reopen, oozing out the things I have hidden for too long. The things I thought didn't affect me.
The things I wanted to not affect me.
How will it leave me feeling afterwards. Will I feel sore, empty, numb? Will I feel revolutionised? Perhaps I will feel both.

But the real question still remains.
Am I ready to face the demons I have learnt to live with for so long?