Source: PixabayCourtesy BenKaden
This day is difficult for many.

If it is, this is for you.

For the mother who tried her best, but still fell short of what you needed.
So you became the mother to your children you had needed.

This is for you.

For the mother and child who didn't know each other
someone was left and raised by another.

For all the young women in the sixties and seventies, who left town, and then came back to never speak of it again.

For the woman who couldn't birth her own
and became a teacher, and raised everyone else's.

For the mother who grieves.

For the mother down the street who welcomed the neighbourhood children for dinner
because they wouldn't be fed at home.

For the woman who is forever a mother but has forgotten that she was
For her children, who have a mother who doesn't remember them.

This is for you.

For the woman who can't forgive someone and took it out on her children
For her children that they move through their own pain

For the child who mothered the mother.

For the promise of a bond you thought should be natural
you cannot blame yourself
For the hurt you have carried, the shelter you look for

it was not your fault
you were worthy of much more
This is for you.

Not all mothers are the same. (Tweet This)

That mother inside us. (Tweet This)

Be well,